Installation Process

Installation is very simple, a point and click operation and done using the built-in install wizard. A user-friendly interface prompts you and presents a range of choices. Instructions are displayed in the screens that give you specific information. To abort installation, select "Cancel" in any of the screen. This section gives the step-by-step installation process.

The software is sent to you in a CD. Load the CD in the player and open the CD ROM directory.

Select "autorun" icon. Screen in Figure 1.1 is displayed. This is the start up screen for installing the application.

Figure 1.1 Install – Opening Screen

Following instruction provides the details of each step for installation.

Step 1:

In Figure 1.1, select Next, to begin installation. Screen in Figure 1.2 is displayed.

Figure 1.2 License Agreement

This screen shows the license agreement between you and MicroWorld. Read the instructions and select "I accept the agreement" radio button and click on NEXT to accept the terms and continue with the installation. If clicked on "I do not accept the agreement", the installation process will be aborted.

Step 2:

If you select "I accept the agreement" radio button, click on NEXT, screen in Figure 1.3 is displayed.

Figure 1.3 Select Destination Folder/Directory

You select the directory to install the application. The default path is displayed. To change the location, browse your PC and select the directory.Select NEXT.

Step 3:

The application is ready to be installed. Select Install.

Figure 1.4 Begin Installation

Step 4

The software is copied and uploaded into the directory you have selected. A folder with the applications name is created.A progress bar showing status of installation is displayed.

Figure 1.5 Extracting Files

When you install the MailScan for Exchange on Exchange 2007 and if there is another Echange 2007 installed within the network as a Hub Transport Server, following window appears

Figure: Hub Transport Server

When clicked on OK, a web page opens up with the details regarding setting up a Transparent Proxy connection in MailScan for Exchange on Exchange Server to enable TLS- based communication between Hub and Edge Transport server.

Step 5

Once the files gets copied to the directory, the following window pops up to set the Administrative Password:

Figure 1.6 Administrative Password Window

After setting up the password, you must configure your domain settings. Enter your primary local domain, admin email ID, local mail server IP address and the primary DNS server IP.The next screen uploads the evaluation details.

Figure 1.7 Domain Configuration

After successfully entering the details, following window is displayed on the screen. Click OK

Figure 1.8 Evaluation License Update

Step 6

After the installation is done and if your system is connected to the Internet, the application automatically connects to MicroWorld database and downloads updates. You can click on EXIT button to continue with the installation.

Figure 1.9 Signature database update

Step 7

During installation, mailscan give you the option to run a quick scan on your system. Click on YES, inorder to perform a quickscan

Figure 1.10 Quick System Check

Once click on the YES , eScan Anti Virus Toolkit quickly scan and clean your system from memory resident viruses.

Figure 1.11 eScan Anti-virus Toolkit

Step 8

The screen provides brief information about the application. Use the scroll bar to read the full text and select NEXT.

Figure 1.12 Important Information

Step 9

Installation is complete. Select FINISH to complete the set up.

MailScan for Exchange Server is installed on your machine. The following icons are added to the task bar at the bottom of your screen:

MailScan Icon:-

MailScan SMTP Server Monitor Icon:-