Escan/english/escan11/eScan Management Console/Policies/Features Help/Administrator Password

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eScan Version 11 (and above) Online Help

Administrator Password

Administrator Password enables you to create and change password for administrative login of eScan protection center. It also enables you to keep the password as blank, wherein you can login to eScan protection center without entering any password

To Add / Change eScan administrator password

1. Specify the following field details.

Field Description
Set Password Click this option, if you want to set password.
Blank Password Click this option, if you do not want to set any password for login.

When you click this option, the Enter new Password and Confirm new Password fields become unavailable.

Enter new Password Type the new password.
Confirm new Password Re-type the new password for confirmation.

2. Click the 'OK' button.

Use Separate Uninstall Password

It allows you to define uninstall Password which will be required before uninstalling eScan Client from managed endpoints manually. The user will not be able to uninstall eScan Client without entering this password.